Friday, March 13, 2009

Creeping Communism

More and more, both nations of Orgoreyn and Karhide have been striking me about Russia. The Karhidians to me resemble tsarist Russia since they have a king with absolute power as well as a relatively rural and undeveloped economy and system. In addition, the king does not have so much control over the media that Orgoreyn seems to have.
Orgoreyn on the other hand is run by the commensality of the thirty three and strikes me as the USSR. They're more advanced compared to the Karhidians and more importantly, the government has a secret police named the Sarf that controls everything. They control the media as well as the lives of the Orgota. They have camps that resemble the gulags of Russia and the general populace act more collectively than individualistically. This is most clear in chapter 13 as Genly describes his situation in the truck and his time at the work camp

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